St. James School offers many opportunities for volunteers to immerse themselves in our school. Volunteer readers for Preschool and Pre K read to the children once a week in the library. Our fundraising efforts are led by parent and parish volunteers. Each year, we hold a chicken barbecue, Harvest Dinner, a Christmas Craft Show, chocolate sales, and our Valentine Gala to raise money to offset the cost of tuition. Other activities, such as book fairs, staff appreciation luncheons, and basketball games allow parents and friends of St. James to explore their interests.
Our newly formed F.A.I.T.H group, which stands for Families Activities Ideas Teachers Highlights, organizes activities that involve families, like evening roller skating and movie nights. Upon registration, parents are asked to complete an Interest Inventory of the activities they would like to participate in.
To volunteer, call St. James School at 315-287-0130. All volunteers are required to attend a VIRTUS training in Protecting God’s Children and recieve a background check from the school. To register for a VIRTUS training go to